16 September, 2011

Download Windows 8 Trial Version

Windows 8,which introduced a new version is for developers or theso-called developer preview. However, that does not mean you can not try it. Everyone can try it for free by downloading from the site that has been provided by Microsoft. There are three versionsavailablefor each of two 64 bit systems and one for 32 bit. Here are threeversions ofthe following provided links to download each version.

The file size of each of the above options vary, ranging from 2.8 GB to the very top, 3.6GB for the middle and 4.8 GB for the lowest. As stated by Microsoft, Windows 8developer preview version is not final, so after they finish downloading, you should store them on a CD or flash.

If you choose the version with "developer tools", the user can only do clean install.However, if you choose another, you can upgrade from Windows XP, Windows Vista, orWindows 7.

Before downloading, you should really understand that this operating system is not finalso there is still no shortage here. You also need to ensure that the hardware has to support Windows 8. Microsoft states that all devices that support Windows Vista and Windows 7 could support Windows 8.

For Windows 8 x86 (32 bit) minimum specification is a 1 GHz processor, 1 GB Ramand 16 GB of storage capacity. As for x64 (64 bit), you need a 1 GHz processor, 2 GBRAM and 20 GB of storage capacity. No matter which option will be downloaded, youneed a DirectX 9 compliant GPU with WDDM 1.0 or higher drivers

14 komentar:

Health News Headlines said...

was here friend

moenas said...

ane gak jago bahasa englist brow T_T

Diajeng surendeng said...

wow.. window 8? nak try window 7 je... mikir2 dulu... :)

mike said...

do you guys think i can download it even if i'm no programmer or anything?

mike said...

Theres this preview for customers but it wont let me use it

anil mahar said...

I LIKE this

bagashp said...

masih cinta windows 7 kakak :D

Kangerie said...

Amazing :D

Ali Bloggers said...

kira kira trialnya berapa lama tuh gan?

ALifa Salwa said...

donlotnya berapa lama gan kalo aku pake lexy unlimited

dekabar said...

wow....its well work..thx klavatec

KerinciNews.Com said...

ini bagus ndak ya?

Kata Kata Bijak said...

Masih Pake Os Jadul Bro, Win Xp .... :)

rihsan said...

isin sedot aja ahhh wuuzz

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